суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.


Okays, first week of school ended
yup, studied and played well
almost everyday got many hours break.

went sentosa on friday, no sun, but tanned :/
oh and the sea level was the same as ground level can, so scarey.
but after awhile, the tide went down.

after tt went back to school to skate
urbaned around school,
first time to red bridge, and seriously,
i think the place/view from there is damn damn nice can,
wad scarey.. Ok maybe if i was alone it wld be scarey.

today, went for facial, haircut
then back home cause got a freaking headache.
yeah until now

tmr is gna be a exciting/weird day
gna go see some chihuahua,
if its nice then gna buy it. $1800

then after that its my grandmaapos;s bday party,
at sentosa AGAIN lols..

bristol parkway train station address, ayota, ayot st lawrence pub, ayot st lawrence church, ayot st lawrence.

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