суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.


Okays, first week of school ended
yup, studied and played well
almost everyday got many hours break.

went sentosa on friday, no sun, but tanned :/
oh and the sea level was the same as ground level can, so scarey.
but after awhile, the tide went down.

after tt went back to school to skate
urbaned around school,
first time to red bridge, and seriously,
i think the place/view from there is damn damn nice can,
wad scarey.. Ok maybe if i was alone it wld be scarey.

today, went for facial, haircut
then back home cause got a freaking headache.
yeah until now

tmr is gna be a exciting/weird day
gna go see some chihuahua,
if its nice then gna buy it. $1800

then after that its my grandmaapos;s bday party,
at sentosa AGAIN lols..

bristol parkway train station address, ayota, ayot st lawrence pub, ayot st lawrence church, ayot st lawrence.

пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

california design jewelry school

Neutrality is key ; )

Today was okay I guess. I was fine at school but when I came home I was just really quiet.
I�went for a walk but before that I�just kind of layed on my front lawn for everrrrrrr and then I finally took a walk.
The stars were basically amazing tonight. Itapos;s cool to watch all the stars "fade into existance" and witness the sky get darker.
Few stars you can see at first but as it gets darker you see all the smaller ones (I figured they were probably far away thatapos;s why it takes longer for you to see them.)
I heard from several sources that when you see the stars you are actually seeing what they looked like 1,000 years ago (or is it 1 billion?) either way, I was trying to grasp the idea. It wasnapos;t too easy but oh well.

Iapos;m itching to read Twilight again. I keep thinking about it. I canapos;t believe all that stuff came from somebodyapos;s head. Dream. Yeah.

Well anyways thatapos;s it. Besides being confused about life and daydreaming all the time.


california design jewelry school, california design interior ventura, california design interior stockton, california design interior southern.

did happen holocaust when

After school today, Drew crawled up in my bed and fell asleep. He slept for about 45 minutes at school, but when I picked him up he seemed exhausted...and a little feverish.

Anyway, heapos;s been saying some very strange things in his sleep, sometimes with his eyes wide open. Earlier he was saying "Iapos;m sorry," over and over and over again, and then it was, "whatapos;s that?"

Now heapos;s moving his arms around and saying, "Itapos;s up, itapos;s down, itapos;s up, itapos;s down."

Sometimes I really wish I could see whatapos;s going on in that little head of his.

I have to pee, but I donapos;t want to move and wake him up.

By the way, he has a little girlfriend at school, named Ella. Apparently, the moment she laid claim on him, they were inseparable. I havenapos;t gotten to meet her yet, but Iapos;m taking Drew to her birthday party this weekend. What do you get a 3-year-old girl for her birthday?
did happen holocaust when, did happen holocaust really, did happen holocaust, did happen harlem renaissance why.

четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

families first atlanta

Hey, interj. used to get someoneapos;s attention or when� you are interested, surprised, or annoyed.

Marian Procession tommorrow + Research. Oh yes. It will be a longg day tommorrow. And My mom will be at the hospital for an operation. Ohmy.��I donapos;t even know what I am suppose�to feel. But I am sure about WHO�TO�BELIEVE�IN. I should just be ready for anything that may occur..

�... So yeah, I am obviously still online because of Research. Our groups topic is the Brain Drain thing. HAHA. Nothing spectacular. Just work, comprehend and print. I am preettty excited for someoneapos;s letter, because he said so that I am. HAHAA.

edvard munch and mental illness, families first atlanta, families first atlanta ga, families first atlanta georgia, families first brooklyn.

consultas juridicas lleida

novit� non ce napos;�br />
per� ci ho il giardino nuovo che fa veramente fatica a ingranare...alla peggio ci mettiam due porte

per� intanto capos;� la lampada lumacona che dal vivo � bellissimissima, molto meglio del giardino coi suoi limoncino, arancino e ulivino che saranno grandi quando saran vecchi i miei nipoti, quindi mai

viva la lumaca

e momento autoreferenziale con la prima foto, dopo anni, in cui mi piaccio davvero davvero, s� mi sento figa, ecco
special guest i wayfarer nuovi, blu blu

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